Could Nutmeg Hold The Title Of The World’s Wisest Feline?

Nutmeg, a feline who was discovered as a stray more than 26 years ago, is currently vying for the Guinness World Record’s recognition as the world’s oldest cat!


Liz and Ian Finlay welcomed a new feline member to their family 26 years ago when their cat Spice made friends with a stray tabby cat. The couple decided to adopt him and named him Nutmeg. Despite not knowing his exact age, a visit to the vet estimated Nutmeg to be around 5 years old at the time. This means that Nutmeg is now an impressive 31 years old! In an effort to verify his age, Liz and Ian have reached out to Guinness World Records. Since Nutmeg was a rescue cat, his exact birth date is unknown, but the couple is confident in their estimation of his age.


According to reports, Nutmeg could potentially claim the title of World’s Oldest Cat if it is confirmed that he was at least 2 years old during his initial vet visit, making him an impressive 28 years old. Currently, the title belongs to Corduroy, who is 27 years old and regained the title after the passing of 30-year-old Scooter. However, the all-time record for the oldest cat remains with Creme Puff, who lived a remarkable 38 years.


Ever since we adopted him, we’ve showered him with love and care. Despite having only three teeth left, our little furry friend has a particular fondness for chicken. Whenever he’s hungry, he can be found standing by the fridge door. At bedtime, he curls up on your lap, refusing to acknowledge that he’s a mere cat and we’re his humans. Perhaps, it’s this unique bond that has contributed to his longevity and contentment.


Liz affectionately describes her furry companion as being extremely pampered. Their daily routine involves him waking them up at the crack of dawn for breakfast before he heads back to bed. As they do not have any children, their pet holds a special place in their hearts and is treated like their own baby. Even when they go out of town, they make sure to arrange for someone to tend to his needs. Despite his advancing years, the cat is in good health, though his once brown fur has now turned grey.


About a year ago, Nutmeg experienced a stroke that caused a lot of concern for his family. They were devastated at the thought of losing him, but eventually, he made a miraculous recovery and returned to his normal self after spending a few days in the hospital. Despite his old age, Nutmeg still has his cantankerous personality intact. We send our best wishes to Nutmeg and his family for achieving this remarkable accomplishment.


This article talks about cats and their cuteness. It credits iheartcats for the information.

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