“Choo-Chooing with Canines: The Heartwarming Story of a Retired Man’s Dog Train Adventures with Rescued Pups”

Eugene Bostick, an 80-year-old retiree from Texas, found a unique way of exploring his lifelong interest in trains by operating a homemade train for rescued stray dogs. He was inspired to take this initiative after witnessing abandoned dogs near his horse barn being left to starve. Together with his brother, he started feeding them and creating a safe space for them to live. Bostick also took the responsibility of ensuring that the dogs were spayed/neutered and provided them with medical care as necessary. Although he hadn’t planned on dedicating his golden years to this noble cause, he couldn’t bear to see these innocent animals suffer and found immense joy in helping them.

Over the years, Bostick has given shelter to countless abandoned dogs and ensured that they have a comfortable place to call home with all the necessary food and care. In order to keep them happy, he came up with a unique idea. Even though his farm gave the dogs plenty of room to run around, Bostick felt that taking them out for little trips would be beneficial for them. However, walking multiple dogs at once can be quite a challenge. So, he decided to build a special mode of transportation tailored specifically to his furry friends. When he saw a man using a tractor to haul rocks, he got an idea. “One day I was out and I seen this guy with a tractor who attached these carts to pull rocks. I thought, ‘Dang, that would do for a dog train,’” he told The Dodo. Using his welding skills, he attached wheels to plastic barrels with holes cut into them and tethered them together to create the dog train. Now, Bostick takes the dogs out for weekly outings around the town’s quiet streets or through nearby woods, which they look forward to in their new, happy lives.

As I approach my 80s, I am aware that my time on this earth is limited. Nonetheless, I plan to keep doing what brings me joy for as long as I can. The dogs under my care are always happy and their happiness brings me a great sense of fulfillment.

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