“A Heartwarming Story of Triumph: How the World’s Ugliest Dog Overcame Adversity and Found His Forever Home”

Every creature has its unique qualities that make them stand out and create their individuality. Every animal is special in its beauty and features. There’s a pup called Newt who has a distinct expression on his face that looks like he’s a grumpy old man. This is due to a scar he received while being born from his mother who bit his face, which resulted in him losing the entire top of his snout.

Newt, a dog in need of expensive medical care, was relocated by his original owners to the New York Bully Crew shelter in Texas. But sometimes, when one door closes, another opens. Fortunately, Liesl Wildhart stepped in and adopted Newt, eventually helping him find a new family. Liesl established the Lovable Dog Rescue and Animal Sanctuary, a facility that focuses on rescuing dogs. She renamed Brute to Newt and took him with her to her home in Eugene, Oregon.

With the help of social media, Liesl came across Newt and couldn’t resist adopting him. She shared adorable photos and videos of him on her Instagram account for all to see. I was impressed by this when I saw it. Reports from Metro revealed that two of Newt’s siblings, Picasso and Wacku, resided with Liesl too. Moreover, Newt has his own Instagram profile where he shares photos from his adventures with Liesl.

Initially, he faced difficulties adjusting to the transformations in his existence, but presently, he relishes a gratifying existence with his caretaker and other canines. A surgical procedure on his face rendered him a resemblance to an amphibian, and admirers on social media endearingly tagged him as the “grumpy old guy.” Although he requires some aid in activities such as eating, his guardian is always present to assist him. As per Liesl, who conversed with Metro, it can be arduous to feed him as he tends to regurgitate; thus, his owner hand-feeds him everything he consumes.

Newt and his siblings share a common physical characteristic – facial deformities. Picaso’s face is distorted while Wacku is missing his snout. However, despite their unique appearances, Newt blended in perfectly with the family of dogs he was given to and developed good relationships with them. Liesl, who also spoke to the same media outlet, described Newt as an animated and playful puppy, displaying intelligence and consideration towards other dogs. Dogs like Newt lead a fulfilled life once they find a home and do not pity themselves or dwell on what they lack, as stated by Newt’s owner in the interview.

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